Head Shots
Sketch: $8
Colored Sketch: $10
Shaded Sketch: $12
Line-Art: $11
Colored Line-Art: $12
Shaded Line-Art: $14
Sketch: $11
Colored Sketch: $14
Shaded Sketch: $17
Line-Art: $14
Colored Line-Art: $17
Shaded Line-Art: $20

Bust Shots
Sketch: $10
Colored Sketch: $12
Shaded Sketch: $14
Line-Art: $13
Colored Line-Art: $14
Shaded Line-Art: $16
Sketch: $15
Colored Sketch: $18
Shaded Sketch: $21
Line-Art: $18
Colored Line-Art: $21
Shaded Line-Art: $24

my prices are in USD
I accept payment through PayPal

BACKGROUNDS: Flat Color backgrounds are optional and free. Any type of pattern, gradient, etc. will start at $2. Price may climb rapidly depending on desired level of complexity for backgrounds. DM me for more info!PROPS: Small/simple props such as pens, phones, etc. will be free on all sketches. A small/simple prop in a non-sketch will start at $2. Price may climb rapidly depending on desired level of complexity for props. DM me for more info!ADDITIONAL CHARACTERS: Additional characters will cost a rounded 75% of the original set price for your desired work. (For example, if you pay $24 for a completed full-body character, you'd need to pay $18 for a second completed full-body character.) DM me with any questions!

Will Do:
-Custom Character Design (DM me for price negotiation)
-Reference Sheets (DM me for price negotiations)
-Won't Do:
-Very detailed backgrounds
I may decline/price-up certain requests for personal comfort reasons in DM's!

Where To Find Me!

Discord: @happyzappyguts